Answer the Call for Papers
The TAMU Turbomachinery Laboratory is soliciting one-to-three-page detailed abstracts for Lectures, Tutorials, Case Studies, and Short Courses to present at our Turbomachinery & Pump Symposia. Please include the elements outlined below and refer to our guidelines and resources.
Submit Your Abstract for TPS 2025
An abstract concisely describes the aims and outcomes of your research, technology, or topic that your paper addresses. Your abstract must include the purpose, application, and usefulness of your work, the methods used, and the conclusions drawn. Briefly mention if there are important boundaries to your work so we may assess breadth of use.
Start by clearly defining the purpose of your work. What practical or theoretical problem does it deal with, or what question did you aim to answer?
You may include some brief context; avoid detailed background information.
After identifying the problem, state the objective of your research. Use verbs like “develop”, “evaluate”, “identify”, investigate”, or “solve” to describe exactly what you set out to do.
Indicate the research methods used. It is a straightforward description of what was done.
Next, summarize the key research results. The final manuscript must have a connection between each conclusion and a specific result.
Finally, discuss the conclusions and impact that your research has proved.
- If your aim was to solve a practical problem, your discussion should include recommendations for implementation
- If relevant, you can briefly make suggestions for further research
Other requirements
- Please refer to our guidelines, resources, and past proceedings.
- Include information for all authors including mobile phone number and email addresses. Some biographical information is useful, especially for new authors.
- We do not seek purely theoretical or highly mathematical papers or works without application.
- Tutorial abstracts must clearly describe a teaching process and provide a table of contents.
- Case Studies abstracts must include how and when the solution was implemented and verification that it achieved the desired results.
TPS 2025 Publications Calendar
- Abstract Deadline: October 23, 2024
- Manuscript due to monitor: March 13, 2025
- Full manuscripts due to system: March 27, 2025
- Final due to system: June 9, 2025
Session Types & Descriptions
A Short Course is a full-day training session presented concurrently with other short courses on the first day of the Symposia. Short Courses run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm with a 75-minute luncheon and two 30-minute breaks. Please submit a detailed abstract, including a course philosophy and goal, an outline, and a written summary of who the audience is and what they will learn. The short course presentation will be distributed as a pdf file and hard copy to the registrants of the short course only.
A Lecture is a presentation of a technical paper detailing innovative turbomachinery or reciprocating compressor technology or methodology. The work should clearly state the advantage/impact on operational equipment for the practicing engineer. A lecture presentation is 45 minutes long consisting of 30 to 40 minutes of presentation reserving at least 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The lecture paper will be published as a part of the proceedings. End-user participation in the lecture is encouraged.
A Tutorial is a mini short course/workshop presenting a specific technical topic. It is a teaching process directed at the practicing engineer. Presenters are encouraged to bring in equipment for hands-on instruction. Tutorials are allocated 90 minutes and consist of 70 to 80 minutes of presentation reserving at least 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Authors are required to create a tutorial paper and presentation. The tutorial paper will be published as a part of the proceedings.
A Case Study is a short informational presentation describing the successful implementation of established technology or methodology to solve a real-world problem. Case studies concisely relate a Problem, its Solutions, and the Lessons Learned. Each invited case study is allocated 30 minutes and consists of up to 20 minutes for the presentation reserving at least 5 minutes for questions and discussion and roughly 5 minutes to change over to the next speaker/case study. End-user participation in the case study is strongly encouraged. The case study will be published as a part of the proceedings in PDF format.
A Discussion Group is a free-flowing dialog session in which issues are discussed from the viewpoint of various attendees including end users, OEMs and other interested industry members. Discussion Group Leaders will suggest topics to start the conversation and will act as moderators; actual topics discussed will be determined by session attendees. Each Discussion Group is 90 minutes long.
Detailed Guidelines & Resources