Thank you for considering submitting to the Turbomachinery and Pump Symposia. The following information provides guidelines that will assist you in submitting an abstract and eventually finalizing a manuscript that we hope will
be accepted for publication in the Proceedings and presentation. You will find it helpful to read through all these instructions to determine what is needed and expected—from the beginning to the end of this process. Please follow these instructions or make certain that they are passed on to whoever actually prepares the paper for submittal.
General Information
Case Study Presentations provide prospective lecture authors a means of informally presenting their success stories/lessons learned. To participate, you must prepare a detailed, succinct presentation along with a short abstract. Each invited presenter will be given 20 minutes for the presentation reserving at least 5 minutes for questions and discussion and roughly 5 minutes to change over to the next speaker/case relate their experiences. Multiple case studies will be scheduled per 90-minute session. Your case study must be vetted by the monitor assigned to you after the abstract process and before ultimate publication and presentation.
Case Study Elements
A Symposia-branded template will be made available to authors whose abstracts are invited for further review. In the meantime, here are some of the elements:
- Title: one concise and definitive slide
- Title slide should include a listing of authors and their affiliations.
- Your second slide should include brief biographical information on each presenter.
- Problem Solutions Lessons Learned format required – 24 point font minimum on all slides. Do not clutter your slides.
- 1 slide with clear problem statement
- Analysis method and/or steps used to solve the problem—6 slides
- Conclusion and recommendation, along with other options considered—3 slides
- Results realized from field implementation of recommendation—2 slides
- Lessons learned (optional)—1 to 2 slides
- Do not read directly from your slides. Let your verbal presentation skills do the work.
- Slides: No more than 15 computer-driven slides are needed for the 20-minute presentation.
- Commercialism is not permitted. Include your company name and logo on the first slide only.
Symposium Audience
Our goals are to educate, discuss, and exchange information between users and manufacturers of Turbomachinery and pump equipment. People attend the symposia to learn new technology. Therefore, the presentation should aid the application of this technology.
We do not seek purely theoretical presentations, presentations without application, or highly mathematical presentations. Complex mathematical discussions should be left out of the spoken presentation, and summarized in the written manuscript in an appendix. Papers with any commercial overtones are discouraged. The accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings, which will serve as a reference for the industry.
Tutorial abstracts should be 1-3 pages in length and clearly describe a teaching process. A tutorial is a mini workshop held in a 90-minute timeslot. Successful tutorials include a narrative technical paper as well as a robust PowerPoint-style presentation element. Your abstract should be clear and include information about what you will be teaching and who the intended audience is. Include all author information in your abstract and/or cover letter, including email addresses for all authors. 24 point font minimum on all slides. This is for your presentation that is shown onsite only.
From Invited Abstract To Manuscript and Your Monitor
At the time your abstract was invited, the Advisory Committee assigned one of its members as your monitor. The monitor will be of significant assistance to you. Early contact with him is essential, because he better understands what the committee expects.
Historically, authors who keep in close contact with their monitors have well-focused papers, more closely meeting the committee’s expectations, and they enjoy a significantly higher acceptance rate.
- Keep the monitor informed (often). If the Committee has made recommendations, keep them in mind.
- If your monitor is not responsive, let Ashton Drollinger know by emailing [email protected].
- Authors must submit the manuscript draft and the final manuscript to the assigned monitor for approval before submitting it to the Turbo Lab.
- Plan to send your monitor a draft at least three weeks prior to the manuscript deadline, to allow for feedback and corrections.
- If an author cites companies other than his own, he must submit a written release from those companies with the submitted manuscript.
- We must receive a release from your monitor with your final symposium presentation.
- If you are having trouble completing the paper, contact your monitor immediately. We cannot promise an author a slot for another year. This is the optimum year for the paper or the committee would not have invited it!
Writing Style
Please refer to the Laboratory Writing Style and Standards for pertinent information concerning the style to follow in writing your manuscript. Those guidelines and the guidelines in this document must be followed, and the provided Turbomachinery Laboratory Template must be used. If you have questions about the style guide, contact Ashton Drollinger and/or your monitor.
Clearances and Copyrights
Do not use other company names, product names, model numbers, etc., unless written releases accompany the submitted manuscript. The use of company product names should be limited to the Introduction; thereafter, reference should be generic. We do not accept previously published works or articles that have been substantially presented elsewhere. However, we do accept excerpted works where legal clearances and copyright permissions have been obtained prior to manuscript submission (this applies to text and figures/tables). Secure these clearances early to prevent delay, and include copies of the clearances with your submission. If your manuscript is selected, it will be published in our copyrighted symposium Proceedings. Papers presented at the Symposium are often sought by magazine editors for publication. If you are contacted by a journal for permission to print any part of an article, please refer the journal to the Turbomachinery Laboratory. We hold the copyright on papers as they are published in the Proceedings and request that authors contact us before granting permission for publishing or reprinting copyrighted materials.
Proper attribution of graphics used in your submission is mandatory. If you directly copy a graphic that has been published elsewhere, you must note that in the Figure’s caption (e.g., “Courtesy Zeidan, 1991, Turbomachinery Laboratory”), cite in your References and obtain and include a written release with your final submission. If you indirectly use a graphic that has been published elsewhere (i.e., modify it in some way from the original), you must note it in the text where the Figure is mentioned (e.g., “shown in Figure 34 [Zeidan, 1991]”) and cite in your References.
The submitted manuscript shall not contain plagiarized material or falsified research data. Plagiarism is the use or presentation of the ideas or words of another person from an existing source without appropriate acknowledgment to that source. Any similar misappropriation of intellectual property, which may include data or interpretation, is also plagiarism. [This definition is based on one used by ASME, the National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. ASCE added the sentence on misappropriation of intellectual property.]
Author Contact Information
Your contact information should be up to date in the Aventri submission system. It is up to you to make sure that information stays up to date. The information for the show guide will be pulled in late May to send to the printers and will be difficult
to update after that. Please contact Ashton Drollinger for questions.
Symposium Program and Turbomachinery Laboratory Web Pages
If the manuscript is accepted, we will request a brief abstract/synopsis for the Symposium Program and Turbomachinery Laboratory web pages. The abstract section of your paper or an easier-to-read version provided by the author will be placed on our website. Full papers from all but our most recent Symposia are also available on our website: